The Funny Thing About Meeting People … Really Funny

Laurenzo Overee
2 min readMar 22, 2024


In a perfect world — That’s completely within reach.

You know how sometimes you feel like meeting people, like a friend or a loved one, but for some reason, it never happens? You could think about it, watch some Netflix, and mull over it.


Do you know why that is? It’s because the other person doesn’t consider you worthy of meeting. Yes, it sounds harsh, but it’s true.

Time is more precious than money. Yes, you can quote me on that. Because once you lose time, you can never get it back. Nope, not in a million years (and you don’t have a million years).

So then, what’s the point of this article? You might ask. Okay, so it’s a wake-up call for everyone reading and me.

To have more successful meetings and draw people out of their hidey holes. You need to become worthy of meeting.

That means you must seize being that person mulling over the next meeting. You need to grab that phone and call the person you wish to meet.

If you think that’s a tad too much effort (or you don’t want to spook them with a random check-in), then drop a text.

But then you might say, “LAURENZO, what if they don’t respond to my bloody text?”

Well, then try again. And do it as much as you want, as much as you care about the person. Eventually, one of two things would happen: They would A. give you a reason why they gave you the cold shoulder. Or B. Your messages can’t go through anymore since they effectively blocked you.

The Bottomline

Now then, since we have explained why people don’t meet, it’s time for some remediation techniques. If you care enough about meeting people, here’s what you can do TODAY:

  1. List the people who matter, and ask yourself how badly you want to meet them.
  2. Remember the last time you had a great conversation with that person.
  3. Make a list of the exchanges or key points that built that dynamic.
  4. Text or call the person and casually allude to those moments.
  5. Plan a date.
  6. Make it happen.
  7. Rinse and repeat until you realise the other person would take the initiative to contact you for meetings.

Humans are complicated. That’s true; we’re really difficult to read. But there are ways to improve relationships, mostly by giving a hoot. So give a hoot today, phone or call a friend, and stop playing the waiting game. You could become more likable—or, at the very least, be less lonely on your next Starbucks visit.



Laurenzo Overee

I'm a dedicated writer who creates stellar content. Here's my official portfolio: