The Elementals — An Original Tale by Laurenzo Overee

Laurenzo Overee
3 min readApr 16, 2023

Chapter 1

Pixies —( Credits: Ava Overee, my daughter)

From the Blind Eternities, there was an artificer who sat alone on his gilded throne in the stunning sky. He looked around him and eventually felt bored of his loneliness. He began to draw the energies from the Blind Eternities to create small delicate beings that came to be known as pixies.

The pixies would flutter their exiguous wings in a stream of blue and entertain the Artificer in his newly-formed throne room since he felt that he deserved more than a measly chair. However, when the artificer grew sick of his creation, he would place the pixies inside an enormous cage. The pixies were very sad and one day, the leader among them, the keenest of mind and brightest of fairy glow, Zion, decided to stage a revolt.

As the centuries passed, the Artificer created more products from the great eye in his mind. Since he was frequently bored and had a capricious personality, he would keep himself constantly pleased lest he lost his calm and destroyed everything in rage.

He created a vastness above, clouds that looked comforting but yet, remain inaccessible to the underlings on the ground. He wanted the clouds to represent the distance his organisms had to keep from him: he was a creative genius but he was so accustomed to the loneliness that he did not wish for an intimate relationship with his creations, it scared him.

He formed mountains, rivers, cliffs, rivulets, tributaries, gorges, archipelagos, gulfs, islets, and so on. The Artificer was so obsessed with the art of creation that he soon neglected the cage of pixies in the deepest part of his throne room.

Zion and the rest of the fairies discussed the structural integrity of the cage and planned to use the magical prowess of their fairy powder to corrode the grills of the cage and set themselves free from the dreadful prison.

The cage was guarded by an ugly dog with six eyes named Zargos. The foul creature would snap at anything within the range of its snout. The Artificer was bitten countless times but he could never be hurt by the creatures of his doing, such was the way of the Blind Eternities.

The Artificer would spend time soaking his feet in his rivers and smile as the tiny fish nibbled at his dead skin, he would teleport to the zenith of his most impressive mountains and admire the view from above. Zion led her fellow fairies to freedom while the Artificer was distracted by his worldly pleasures.

So together, the fairies united their fairy powders to collapse the lock of the cage and liberated themselves. Zargos raged at the impudence of his prisoners but mostly, he just raged because it was all he knew.

The fairies released a potent wave of fairy dust unto the beast, thinking that he too would dissolve like the bars of their prison but instead, the dog whimpered, slumped, and began to fall asleep. At the settlement of their threat, the fairies swooshed through the grand halls of the enormous throne room and out of the window.

The Artificer felt a sense of discomfort at that instance as he had always kept a watchful bond with his creations due to sheer paranoia that they would attempt to renege someday. He saw the fairies in the eye of his mind and saw the devious grins on their little faces as they triumphed over his order.

The Artificer was enraged, he lifted his feet from the river, levitated, and dried the water up. The poor fish was struggling on dry land but he watched them die because he felt nothing for their miserable existence just as how he no longer cared for the fairies.

He uttered a curse that would afflict his organisms: they would depend on food, water, and air for survival or face death and these commodities would be monopolized by the greatness of his will. He thought that this would forge a perpetual servitude from his creations and dissuade any nuances of future rebellions.

They were more stubborn than he had imagined, quite like himself…



Laurenzo Overee

I'm a dedicated writer who creates stellar content. Here's my official portfolio: