SPOILER — The Game of Thrones and Thoughts

Laurenzo Overee
12 min readMay 14, 2019
Happier times for King’s Landing with the Great Sept of Baelor (in the foreground) and the Red Keep seen at a distance.

WARNING, huge spoilers for season 8, episode 5- The Bells.

So, for GoT fans who have followed the heart-racing series to its penultimate episode, a lot happened. And I mean, A LOT.

Jam-packed into 78 minutes of mayhem, carnage, dread, death ,gloom and more deaths, we finally see the dark side of Dany Targaryen as she scorched the Iron Fleet and much of King’s…



Laurenzo Overee

I'm a dedicated writer who creates stellar content. Here's my official portfolio: laurenzooveree.com