Scripted — The Ideal Platform for Writers

Laurenzo Overee
4 min readApr 27, 2020


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

I always had a passion for writing. I began my writing profession for a small pool of regular clients. It was decent, but Scripted took me through a monolith to a whole new world of possibilities.

I’ve been on Scripted for close to a year now. During that time, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most interesting and inspirational organizations and individuals on the planet.

Initial Concerns

Photo by Paul Garaizar on Unsplash

I applied for Scripted with great apprehension. I did not know what to expect. My past experiences with writing mills and shady clients had eroded most of my confidence. The uncertainties were greater back then, considering that I was beginning my full-time venture into writing. I had read some pretty positive reviews about the platform, but I was not to be entirely convinced until I tried it for myself.

The first step in the enrolment process was to attempt a writing test. Scripted maintains a high level of professional standards. After the test, I was informed that I’d qualify for the platform only if I passed. The results came in a few months later.

I remember being excited beyond belief when I received the emailed response. I also knew that I had much to prove in a competitive climate, being the novice scribe that I was.

An Intuitive Writing Platform

Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

On first thought, Scripted is an extremely intuitive platform, which is incredibly easy to use even for someone with little web experience. The side panel is self-explanatory, displaying available projects, pitched jobs, active jobs, and so on. I dived straight into the platform, hoping to secure my first assignment.

A writing platform like Scripted makes pitching much easier for writers starting out in the field, who are often lacking in contacts. Scripted offers beginners with a chance to impress clients from all industries. It is practically open season where writers need to put their best foot forward to secure the projects they desire. I had some pitching experience by the time I got onto Scripted, which gave me the added confidence.

The process is easy. Set up your profile, connect a payment method, and start browsing for available jobs. If you see something you’d like to try for, go ahead, be confident, and pitch to the client. I got my first job on the first day on the platform. New writers should understand that there are tons of wonderful opportunities on Scripted as long as they take the right approach.

Pitching Made Easy on Scripted

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

To me, a solid proposal is all about understanding where the client is coming from. If the content brief of the client seems vague or incomplete, ask essential questions until you get a clear understanding of what is required. During my earliest days of professional writing, I relied on cold pitching to companies online.

This was a hit-and-miss tactic that was tedious and unproductive. The response rate was close to zero in most cases.

Scripted helps writers avoid all of that by maintaining a database of quality clients and listings.

Writers can conveniently establish contact with a client through a built-in messaging system. This helps both parties iron out the details during each phase of the project to ensure that everything falls into place perfectly.

Build Lasting Relationships on Scripted

Photo by Tim Swaan on Unsplash

Another thing that I truly appreciate about Scripted is its dedicated customer service. The Scripted team is extremely helpful, and ever ready to assist writers through the slightest glitches in the system. For example, if I posed a query on a project stuck in a particular stage, I’ll usually receive a kind response within a working day, along with a swift resolution of the reported issue.

Also, I’d like to mention that the Scripted Team takes excellent care of their writers — offering them regular jobs if they have been receiving positive feedback from clients. Scripted is huge on ratings, be it for writers, clients, or support staff. I’m totally with the idea since ratings are accurate in assessing the competence of an individual. Scripted fosters a culture where credit is given to where it is due.

A Game-changing Platform

Photo by Yucel Moran on Unsplash

I highly recommend Scripted as a must-try platform for writers and for individuals seeking quality content — whether it is for a press release, blog, social media post, script, or anything else really. I appreciate the Scripted team for fuelling my writing career and look forward to extending my services to clients who deserve nothing but the best.

Experience Scripted today and be prepared for a cohesive journey unlike any other — where clients and writers converge to create spectacular content.



Laurenzo Overee

I'm a dedicated writer who creates stellar content. Here's my official portfolio: