Negative Nellies and Why They Should Scram from Your Life

Laurenzo Overee
3 min readJun 5, 2019
Photo by LexScope on Unsplash

There are some people who raise you up and some that send you straight down to the ground each moment they see you. The latter are what I call negative Nellies.

I grew up facing a negative Nelly. In fact, I came across a few negative nellies in my working life. No matter how much you do, it is never enough for them, while a simple mistake that you commit will be blown out of proportion and made to look like the end of the world.

Some telltale signs of negative Nellies include: being absent when life is going smoothly for you, incapable of bringing good news, enjoy reading headlines about tragedies and sadness, incapable of offering constructive advice, unusually critical and cynical, etc.

There are probably tonnes of theories why someone would become a negative Nelly but this article is not about them. I want to talk about how we can embrace life without having these people bring us down.

Count your blessings, always share joy and laughter when you can. Life is short and yes, there will be challenges but why should we make them the major focus of life?

This is not being delusional, it is to protect our minds. Your brain is a complex tool that can be used for greater good, always keep it well-guarded and nourished with things that matter!



Laurenzo Overee

I'm a dedicated writer who creates stellar content. Here's my official portfolio: