How To Become The Fun Person In The Room

Laurenzo Overee
2 min readAug 21, 2023


Photo by Ankush Minda on Unsplash

I’m sure many times you’ve heard of people wanting to find someone fun at the party. But have they taken a long hard look at themselves?

OH GAWD. Why is it so hard to find someone interesting???

Well, like attracts like. Birds of a feather flock together. Do these age-old adages from long-dead people mean nothing?

Yes, ladies, gentlemen, and all in between. Next time when you’re out and about and you’re wondering why there’s nobody fun or moderately exciting…consider your own personality. Reflect.

I hate to be the one breaking it out to you but…

If you want to surround yourself with fun peeps, you got to become one first. If you’re seeking happy conversations, make joyous and fun topics a habit in your interactions.

Soon, slowly, but surely, you’ll find people that bring a spark in your life.

Why? Because dear Watson, you’ve brought a spark in theirs!

So I guess the question that lingers is, “How do I begin?”

Jeez Louise — Unfortunately, I don’t have a straight answer. That’s because there aren’t any straight answers my precious reader.

You need to know what’s amiss. What’s keeping that smile upside down? Is it your work, your tight schedule, or people that seem to make you feel lousy?

Identify the issue, and make minute changes to your daily routine. And soon, you’ll find yourself happier than ever.

How do you know once you’ve become that happy person? Here’s a simple checklist:

  1. You’re smiling and laughing freely without a heavy (albeit invisible) force holding down your lips.
  2. You think faster, more thoroughly, and with greater control.
  3. You’re looking forward to meeting more people because you’re resonating with your nature. And humans are by nature social creatures.
  4. You ignore the critics and focus on the positive. Constructive criticism is a different thing — but you’ll discard pointless insults and put-downs in a heartbeat.

There are many other positive changes you’ll experience but the four above should convince you to make the move.

Don’t sweat it if you can’t get it right on the first try.

But please try TODAY, you’ll be surprised at how amazing things can get once you put in the conscious effort to become a fun person.

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Laurenzo Overee

I'm a dedicated writer who creates stellar content. Here's my official portfolio: