A Message to all Writers

Laurenzo Overee
2 min readJun 7, 2020


Photo by Jason Strull on Unsplash

I’m a writer and I wish to share a message with the writing community. I believe that there are many writers out there who are ill-confident because of the negative things they have heard about their craft.

You might have heard the occasional denigration, you might have dealt with clients who try to put you down. Worst still, these clients aren’t exactly sure what they want but they’re sure of what they dislike. These are the hardest to please.

You see, I started writing with two guiding pillars. These are — to entertain and to inform. If I can’t do any of these, I should pass on a project. It isn’t simply a matter of churning words. Words are cheap when they’re not put to good use. Every writer needs to mean what they say, or the content will be instantly vapid.

What I wish to say is that if you’re a writer and you’re reading this, know that you’re the expert here. It doesn’t matter whether your client has 10 years of experience in an industry — the fact is that they entrusted you to write the piece and gave you the power to do it well. You should not beat yourself up over criticism or the nonsense that direction-less clients dish out. Criticism has to be constructive — it has to guide the recipient towards a positive outcome. A warning, insult, or plain sarcasm are useless, move on.

If they come back to shoot you, claiming that your style is subpar, yet they can’t provide you with a decent structure or goal — ignore them. Don’t let those words get to you. These individuals are not there to help you hone your skills, there is nothing to be learned during your time with them. Seek greener pastures.

It also shouldn’t come as a surprise that such clients are often the cheapest lowballers out in the market. The best clients are the ones who understand your worth, who appreciate you for your unique voice, and if they aren’t pleased, they will let you know what needs to be improved.

Anyone can write but it takes diligence and self-confidence to thrive in the world of writing. You will find your voice, and you will fine-tune it, but never ever let anyone else silence you or breed self-doubt.



Laurenzo Overee

I'm a dedicated writer who creates stellar content. Here's my official portfolio: laurenzooveree.com